Dhananjay Vaidya
Dhananjay Vaidya
Full Stack Developer
UI/UX Designer,
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  • Bootstrap, Materialize
  • Stylus, Sass, Less
  • Gulp, Webpack, Grunt
  • GIT knowledge

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<code> My skillset</ code>
Dhananjay Vaidya - Headshot
Programming Skills
My profile is web technology centric below are some of the highlights of tech which I regularly use at work. But there are couple of other technologies which are not mentioned in this chart, but I have worked with those technologies in 1 or 2 projects.
I have used HTML in every project, as HTML is the basic building block of any webpage. We can use any backend programming language but at the end to render the output on the web browser HTML is the only markup language we need to output the results. I learned HTML back in 2010 when I got first exposure to the website and webpage. At That time I used to create simple table tag based HTML web pages and I was not even aware of CSS stylesheets and using very standard HTML to build web-pages. But later when I wished to create a column layout without borders and with a more dynamic look and feel, I found that with this table layout dynamic webpage is not possible. I Need to learn CSS to design dynamic pages.
I have learned CSS with a need to make those static looking web pages more colorful and rich in look and feel. With CSS i manage to float the div elements to right and left and also able to add good background images and also able to control that background image with various CSS properties. Then I found that I can apply custom style to any element with the help of class attribute and id attribute. But in early days I used to be confused between class and ID, then I understand that when there is period or full stop before the name, then it means that is a class name in the CSS element selector and those who are having pound sign or # sign should be id of a specific element. Also I understand that id is a unique identifier to an element. But class is a generalized representation of multiple elements. And as moving forward, I explore various other things which we can do with CSS like there are pseudo selector which we can use to create before and after virtual elements to any html element. Also there are events in CSS like hover over, focus, active etc. Which we can use to any element and create an amazing interface. And if we add this with transition duration and delay then we can get those smooth effects. And lot more stuffs which I learn in CSS when I worked on various other projects
I was always amazed and want to understand how those alert boxes pop out on webpage. This was a very basic magic which JavaScript can do with alert function. But there are various other predefine methods which we can use to create prompt, confirm popup. Which I learn when I first discover the function name of that alert box popup. Then i was also interested in learning how to submit the form without refreshing the webpage. This is the time when i have started learning XHR. And learn GET, POST calls using XHR and jQuery. That time jQuery was very new to me. And I started loving jQuery because it is so lightweight and most of the features which required huge lines of code i standard js, jQuery manage to do it in few lines and with configurable parameters.
Now the next challenge which I was facing is about storing the data. Because through js or jQuery I was able to send data to backend but there was no place where I can store the data. So I started learning MySQL and used PHPMyAdmin as the interface to interact with the database. Since I have come from an Engineering background I was totally aware of the theoretical part of database. So it was easy for me to understand terms like primary key, normalization of table etc. But the most important aspect apart from exploring these concepts was implementing MySQL database into a project. I started working on user authentication system at first for that I need a database and good table structure where I can store data like user login details there profile information, etc. So I started working on it and finally created couple of tables for my project. So with this I was able to explore and learn lot of things like how to set default values, auto increment for primary key. How to set unique key and what the use of it in the real world. Also I found a way to store password using SHA1 encryption so that string will be coming from the PHP.
PHP was one of the most amazing and fantastic learning experiences for me. In the beginning I feel that I am going to use those variables and loops in webpage development. When I was not even aware of programming. The learning journey of PHP began even before I entered into engineering studies. But when I experiment with various features like variable, conditional statements, loops, functions then I found that I can achieve much more than I have initially imagine of PHP. Later in various projects I started experimenting with Object Oriented Concepts in PHP. Which turned out to be amazing. And I started working on my custom PHP framework which was built on MVC concepts. And I created 5-6 websites with that framework.
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Dhananjay Vaidya